Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Spanish 'flu
Why was the 1918 influenza pandemic so named? It had no particular association with Spain, and to the extent anything about its origin is known, it most likely seems to have started in the USA. In fact the name had nothing to do with geography - it was simply that WWI was still raging, and the countries involved censored their press from reporting how bad the effects of the disease were, so as not to adversely effect public morale. Spain however was neutral and their papers were free to fully report what was going on. So it seemed to the rest of the world that Spain was particularly badly affected and so it became known as Spanish 'flu.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Billy Graham
I noted his passing a few days ago. I did think about an R.I.P. but then I thought - what's the point? If he hasn't got his reserved seat up there, what hope is there for the rest of us? I remember my Mum, who was far more into religion than I, commenting after watching one of his "crusades" on the TV. It was his habit to invite members of the audience to "come forward and accept Christ as your saviour". Many people would do so, and for the most part they would be in a very emotional state. "I think" said my Mum "that if you have just found Jesus, you would come forward with joy in your heart, and not with tears streaming down your face". I always remember that - well said, Mum.
Monday, February 26, 2018
What would Compo say?
It seems the keeping of ferrets is illegal in many parts of the US - including New York City.
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Emma Chambers - it was so unexpected I cried. Any of you who say your prayers might like to ask The Big Man just what He's playing at. Such a talent taken so young - makes no sense.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
High noon in year 9?
The default position of the pro-gun lobby in the US is that the best answer to a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun. In other words, a shoot-out. So perhaps it came as no surprise that Trump and the NRA's answer to the recent school shooting over there was - arm the teachers. We over here find it difficult to understand why this idea takes precedence over what to us is the more logical concept of restricting the availability of firearms, but there you are. Can't say the thought of loaded guns being in school buildings as a matter of course fills me with anything other than foreboding. Don't think I'd want to be a teacher over there!
Friday, February 23, 2018
Sign of the times?
One of those things which crops up every now and again is people today taking exception to things said or done in the past which were perfectly OK back when they were said and done. In other words, historical events being judged by modern standards. I have consistently said that in my opinion, things should be judged as "of their time" and there is little point - or logic - in criticising them because they offend against current sensibilities. So I think Ofcom missed a trick in upholding a complaint against a nostalgia channel who specialise in showing old films - which can contain language which by today's standards is offensive. I would have liked them to have said - oh, grow up, and if you don't like it, remember there's an off-switch, but instead they have censured the channel who will now presumably have to warn viewers that a film may include language they might find offensive. Talk about the snowflake generation?
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Get 'em off!
It seems in China it is a status symbol to have a huge crowd at a funeral. So much so that the organisers of funerals have taken to providing entertainment in the hope of attracting as many as possible. The authorities however have decided to draw the line at engaging strippers to come along and do their thing!
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Oops - not again!
Do we feel sorry for Elise Christie - our short-track speed skater who has a track record (no pun untended) of crashing out or being disqualified? I'm sure many of you do. Myself - I think she needs to ask herself whether this is really the result of an unbelievable sequence of bad luck or whether it's something to do with the way she skates - perhaps putting herself in the wrong place at the wrong time, or being too aggressive. Put simply - is it bad luck or is it me?
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
What would be the point?
When is a performance-enhancing drug not a performance-enhancing drug? When it doesn't enhance performance, I would suggest. The question has arisen because a Russian curler has been sent home in disgrace for testing positive for meldonium (which, by the way, was the drug that Maria Sharapova fell foul of). Thing is, meldonium is banned because it increases your ability to exercise hard, but curling is all a matter of craft and accuracy, and strength doesn't really come into it. Even other curlers have questioned whether any drug could enhance your performance as a curler. Beta blockers perhaps but that's about it. Otherwise you might just as well have a nice cup of tea.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Memories of a forgotten world.
It's a great shame that money cannot be found (lottery??) to preserve Fred Dibnah's house and property as a heritage centre. As it is the wealth of engineering material there will be broken up and sold at auction as individual items. Better than them simply rotting away perhaps, but like I say - great shame.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Fingers crossed
Three cheers for North Lanarkshire Council - well, perhaps only two and a half cheers, because they have yet to make a decision - but at least they are discussing the idea of providing a free meal every day to entitled children and not just on school days. I posted about this back in July last year so as you can imagine I am hoping for common sense to prevail and for other councils to follow suit.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Wet or dry?
Right - let's get serious. Do you wet your toothbrush before you put the toothpaste on? Somebody has asked the question on Twitter and sparked a big discussion. You would think it was hardly a matter of great import, but many people seem to have a set routine for cleaning their teeth and stick rigidly to it. There seems to be a pretty much even split between wet brush and dry brush, but I particularly liked the individualist who tweeted "I wet the toothbrush but I squeeze the toothpaste on my tongue".
Friday, February 16, 2018
Thursday, February 15, 2018
English as she is spoke
Thingy, who is visiting Scotland with Prince Harry, is being praised in the press for pronouncing the word scone with a short 'o' - "like the British do". I was not aware that "the British" had a definitive pronunciation for that word - I think it differs according to where you live. I tend to say scon for the singular, but scowns for the plural. So there!
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
I posted back on 22nd January about "plastic Brits", but it seems we are not alone in claiming ownership of sportsmen and women with no obvious connection to the country they represent. I am still trying to get my head round the idea that a young South Korean lady born of South Korean parents can end up competing for America.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Mini me.
News is that Tesco intend to open a new chain of stores in direct competition to Aldi and Lidl. Clearly this is an admission that these German cut-price stores are beating them on pricing and layout. But of course, the immediate reaction is - if Tesco can match them on price, why don't they just do it? Why the need for separate stores? Is this in fact an admission that they could sell stuff cheaper in the big stores and choose not to do it?
Monday, February 12, 2018
Lollipop, lollipop
This is a post which has been overtaken by events before it was written. An 83-year-old traffic warden was always in the habit of "high-five-ing" the children as they crossed under his protection. The council suddenly said he could no longer do this, as it could be construed as grooming. The man decided that he no longer wished to work under those conditions, and resigned. And that's where the story was going to end - with a few well-chosen words on the stupidity of the council official involved. But now, before I had the chance to publish it, the council have had a change of heart and apoligised, no less, so we're all back to square one it would seem.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
What's in a word?
Black Panther - the latest superhero movie from Marvel is being lauded for bringing "diversity to the big screen". I haven't seen it and it may be a great film or it may be a bummer, but what I can't get my head round is that a film with an all-black cast is - for that very reason - being hailed as promoting "diversity". They must be using a different dictionary to me!
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Go for it!
Votes at 16? It's going to come, sooner or later, so what do you think? Are 16 and 17-year-olds sufficiently mature enough to make an informed choice/? But then, I can think of plenty of adults of whom the same question could be asked. And if in fact their thoughtless votes create chaos, then it'll be their generation who will have to pick up the pieces, so why should I be concerned?
Friday, February 09, 2018
What goes around...
Remember the story of Oliver Cromwell banning Christmas? I was reminded of it when I saw in the paper the other day that Pakistan have banned Valentine's Day. Anti-Islamic apparently.
Thursday, February 08, 2018
Same difference?
BBC have made a big thing about their "new" graphics when presenting the weather. Anybody else having difficulty in seeing any meaningful change? Minor differences hardly worth commenting on.
Wednesday, February 07, 2018
Forward sisters!
Much being made of the fact that it was a hundred years ago that for the first time (some) women got the vote. And we're supposed to be remembering the suffragettes who, history has it, were mainly responsible for bringing this about, Not too sure it's that simple, The suffragettes were at the extreme end of a much wider movement arguing for extending the right to vote (usually referred to as suffragists) and who became impatient with what they saw as the lack of progress and decided that direct action was the only way anything was going to get done. You have to decide for yourself if they were right, but it's certainly arguable that their antics - and in particular the violence they caused - actually set the idea of votes for women back rather then advanced it.
Tuesday, February 06, 2018
Keep right on...
Is anybody really surprised that the Civil Service's attitude to Brexit is opposition? As an ex- (fairly lowly) - Civil Servant it was always clear to me that I was a member of the most conservative (small c) organisation in the country. Nothing to do with politics, it was just that the Service abhorred change. "Yes Minister" was fictional humour, but very near the mark - the idea was that politicians with their mad ideas come and go, but the Service is always there trying to keep everything on an even keel. So Brexit is change, and the Service is therefore fundamentally opposed - no disrespect intended.
Monday, February 05, 2018
I'm getting excited!
Apparently the EU are to vote on whether to scrap "summer time" and keep the clocks the same all the year round. Well - hooray! If you've stuck with this blog you will know how much I detest having to change the clocks twice a year, and how I fail to see any logic in it. For once, I hope still being in the EU - or at least still being subject to their rules during a transition period - will produce something worthwhile. Mind you, I can already imagine the Scots girding their loins to oppose it!
Sunday, February 04, 2018
I'm in row C - where are you?
Very naughty if true - the suggestion is that airlines are deliberately splitting up families so that, if they want to sit together. they have to pay extra. I would like to say - surely not, but given some of the sharp practices we've learned about - particularly among the budget carriers - I fear there may be something in it. At least the CAA are looking into it.
Saturday, February 03, 2018
The Lazy Cook
This comes from Nigella Lawson.and she in her turn got it from a famous Italian food writer Anna del Conte. Simplicity itself, it's spaghetti with Marmite. Cook the spaghetti as normal, and strain, retaining about a ladle full of the cooking water. Melt the Marmite in a pan with a little butter and add the cooking water and then add that to the spaghetti. Serve with some grated Parmesan. Buon appetito!
Friday, February 02, 2018
Can you believe your eyes?
Wooah! Ripples in a pond. I was round my son's last night when my granddaughter grabbed my hand, hauled me off into the back garden, pointed at the sky and said "There! You said there would be no full moon this February, and there it is!" So yes, I did say that - see last Monday's post - and she does deserve an explanation, so here it is. Like many cosmic events (we've already discussed solstices and equinoxes) a full moon is a precise moment in time, and the one we were looking at in her back garden actually took place at just before 1.30 in the morning of last Wednesday, January 31st. But unless you have a particularly powerful telescope you will not notice any difference for a couple or more days, and the moon will still appear to be "full". So we were both right - it all depends on what you mean by a "full moon"
Thursday, February 01, 2018
On your marks...
Have you seen this idea that you can pay to reserve a sunbed on your holiday to avoid the traditional race down to the pool after breakfast to beat the Germans? But where's the fun in that?
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