Friday, February 23, 2018

Sign of the times?

One of those things which crops up every now and again is people today taking exception to things said or done in the past which were perfectly OK back when they were said and done.  In other words, historical events being judged by modern standards.  I have consistently said that in my opinion, things should be judged as "of their time" and there is little point - or logic - in criticising them because they offend against current sensibilities.  So I think Ofcom missed a trick in upholding a complaint against a nostalgia channel who specialise in showing old films - which can contain language which by today's standards is offensive.  I would have liked them to have said - oh, grow up, and if you don't like it, remember there's an off-switch, but instead they have censured the channel who will now presumably have to warn viewers that a film may include language they might find offensive.  Talk about the snowflake generation?

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