Friday, June 02, 2006

What goes around.....

We are constantly being exhorted by advertisements in the press and on the TV to recycle, but a series of letters in the paper makes it clear that just what you can recycle and how varies considerably from place to place, and often seems to make no sense. Where I live for instance, you can recycle paper (not Yellow Pages however!) but not cardboard. So at what point does paper become card? Just how thick does it have to be before it becomes unacceptable for recycling? You can recycle glass bottles, but not the tops. You can recycle tins, but have to take the labels off first. And in some parts of Yorkshire, it would appear that you are provided with a recycling box, but there is no collection - it's up to you to take it to the recycling centre! If they want people to take recycling seriously, this all needs sorting out.

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