Monday, June 05, 2006

Wot, no E-numbers?

My grand-daughter goes to nursery. It was her birthday the other week, so her mum baked her a birthday cake, and sent a chunk to nursery for her friends. Except that nursery wouldn't allow it to be handed out because it was home-made. A shop-bought cake would have been fine. The logic? Well, I'm not sure there is any logic to it, but it seems to be all about the risk of the nursery being sued if anything in the cake were to make any of the children ill. With a shop-bought cake they could argue that they had taken reasonable care by consulting the list of ingredients, and ensuring that nothing listed there would cause a problem, and if it did in fact make anybody ill, they could pass the legal responsibility on to the cake manufacturers. What a strange, sad world we live in!

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