Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Strewth - I know technology is forever moving on, but perhaps I didn't realise how fast this is happening.  I ran yesterday's post past the grandchildren and only one out of the five of them "got it".  So... in the days before digital cameras - and particularly mobile 'phones with cameras - if you wanted to take a photograph you used an old-fashioned camera which took a physical roll of film, and when you'd used up the roll, you would take it to the chemist and pay a fee to have it developed and prints made of the photos on it.  In reality, the chemist would probably send it on to a specialist firm to have this done.  And as these firms would be handling large quantities of these rolls of film it was not unknown for some to get delayed in the process or even go missing entirely.  So you might well find yourself saying "some day my prints will come" - geddit??

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