Thursday, October 12, 2017

Poly or Uni?

Back in the 1970s I studied at what was then Wolverhampton Polytechnic.  In the 90s - along with many other polytechnics, it was granted University status.  At the time, I seem to remember that it was suggested that the idea behind this was for the government of the day to be able to boast of a large increase in the number of students going on to University.  Now it is being suggested that this change was a mistake and should be reversed.  The argument is that, as Universities, they can (and do) charge University fees without necessarily giving University quality teaching, and also that, wheres as polytechnics, their teaching tended to be part theory, part practical, now they feel as Universities they must be more erudite, and have tended to drop the "hands-on" aspect of their teaching, and this is seen as A Bad Thing for the country as a whole.  Watch this space?

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