Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Where do you fit in?

Somebody used the word "Millennials" on TV the other day to describe the type of consumer they were trying to reach, and I thought - I really must find out exactly what that word means.  Well, I fell at the first hurdle, because there is nothing "exact" about it.  Apparently sociologists have for some time been dividing us up into "generations" according to when we were born, and then looking for common characteristics - and making them up if they couldn't find any!  So I apparently belong to the Silent Generation - those born sort of mid-1920s to mid -1940s.  We were followed by the Baby Boomers (mid-40s to mid-60s) and they in turn by the rather sinisterly named Generation X (mid-60s to early 80s).  Which brings us to the Millennials (early 80s to late 90s) and the current lot, born after that are Generation Z.  Not sure I feel any the wiser for all that though.

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