Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Add to the list...

Bi-sexual, trans-sexual, a-sexual ...  I think I just about understand what those mean, but now it seems we have to deal with demi-sexual.  As far as I can get a grip on that, it describes somebody, of either gender, who is not interested in casual relationships or one-night stands, and who is incapable of sexual feelings towards anybody until and unless they have first established a strong emotional relationship. But hang on - I can only speak for myself, but isn't that pretty well how it's supposed to work?  Love comes first - sex follows.  So a demi-sexual is somebody who is not a slag - or whatever the male equivalent is - someone who doesn't jump into bed with the first person they come across, but looks for a relationship first and foremost.  In other words - dare I say - normal?

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