Monday, April 24, 2017

What - I've got to go to work??

So Corbyn would give us an extra four bank holidays if he wins the forthcoming election?  I assume that whoever thought that one up had a look at the calendar first. We already have a log-jam of public holidays in the late Spring/early Summer, and this would make things much worse.  Consider next year - 2018 -
1st January - New Year's Day
1st March - St David's Day
17th March - St Patrick's Day
30th March - Good Friday
2nd April - Easter Monday
23rd April - St George's Day
7th May - May Day Bank Holiday
28th May - Spring Bank Holiday
27th August - Summer Bank Holiday
30th November - St Andrew's Day
25th December - Christmas Day
26th December - Boxing Day
So, seven bank holidays in the three months of March, April and May?  What price productivity?

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