Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Well, is it or isn't it?

Tim Farron - leader of the LibDems - is a committed Christian.  As such he is continually being pressed on the question of whether he considers gay sex a sin. And here he's in a bind - his Christian beliefs conflict with his political nous.  He realises that a "wrong" answer could cost him and his party votes.  But assuming he takes the Bible as the word of God, the answer is clear - it is a sin.  So he's caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place.  Of course it shouldn't matter - what he believes is a matter for him and his conscience.  Provided he has no intention - should the opportunity ever arise - of making (well, remaking actually) gay sex illegal, his beliefs on the subject are immaterial. Unfortunately, there are those who would seek to make political capital out of any pronouncement he makes on the subject. Religion and politics don't mix - religion is about certainties (at least for believers) - politics is about what's flavour of the month.

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