Friday, March 03, 2017

Put out the light....

I mentioned a few years ago that occasionally I pop into a local antique/odds and ends shop to see what I can find.  And on a recent visit I found a candle wick trimmer/snuffer.  I would imagine most people wouldn't have a clue what it was for. I still have a packet of candles in my boxroom "just in case" but I also have memories of visits to the family of a friend of my Mum's in Wales before they had mains electricity and relied on candles and oil lamps.  Candles have cotton wicks which draw up the liquid wax by osmosis and burn it off, thus giving out light.  Earlier candle-wicks were made of twisted cotton which stood up straight after burning, smoked a lot and so needed constant trimming with a pair if scissors.  Later wicks were made of braided cotton, which bent over after burning and thus were consumed by their own flame.  And when it came to snuffing them out - well of course, you could lick your fingers and pinch them out. but otherwise you could buy a snuffer.  Now here was a two-in-one.  I had to buy it.

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