Thursday, March 02, 2017

I object!!

Think I'm going to inaugurate an annual Mary Whitehouse award for the most ridiculously trivial offence taken by anybody.  A good frontrunner for the 2017 award is an unnamed student at a Cambridge University college who has taken exception to a beef and mango stew being described on the canteen menu as "Jamaican Stew". His point is that you would never come across this combination in Jamaica.  Well "never" is a word best used with caution, but so what?  I think it is generally accepted that a Swiss Roll has nothing to do with Switzerland, anymore than Baked Alaska has with Alaska.  Does it matter?  Another student described it as a "micro-aggression" by which I assume he or she meant - a minor matter which irritates me. Which brings us back to Mary Whitehouse, who delighted (or so it seemed) in being offended by the trivia of modern life,

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