Sunday, September 25, 2016

Plus ça change...

So it's Corbyn again?  No surprise there then?  All the talk is about "uniting behind the leader" and "listening to the members" but there's an unspoken assumption there that it is up to those MPs who do not fully support him to fall into line, whereas he is the immovable object - the idea that he should even consider moving towards them and being more inclusive doesn't seem to occur.  And there's also an assumption that the membership know best - which if you think about it, is a strange concept.  If they do, then what's the point of having any sort of management structure.  Just leave all decisions to the members.  You can imagine the chaos that would cause.  The Labour Party is crying out for positive, effective leadership - and unless Corbyn significantly changes his approach, they ain't gonna get it.

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