Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Lazy Cook

OK - I've pinched this off the Net, but it's quick and easy and oh, so good.  You will need bananas (peeled), crunchy peanut butter and rashers of streaky smoked bacon. Once again, I have left quantities up to you, but I found 2 bananas and 6 rashers satisfied me.  So - smother one of the bananas in peanut butter. Lay out a sheet of clingfilm and put down 3 rashers on it so that they slightly overlap.  Put the banana at right angles to the rashers and use the clingfilm to roll the rashers tightly round the banana. Unroll the clingfilm and secure the "swiss roll" you have created with a wooden skewer,  Repeat with the other banana and the rest of the bacon.  Put them under a hot grill and cook, turning regularly until the bacon is crisp all round.  And there you have it - yummy or what?

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