Friday, December 05, 2014

Match and more...

I think I've mentioned that I'm a Morrisons shopper, and they've recently introduced a storecard under the above title which compares their prices with other supermarkets - including Aldi and Lidl - and gives you points for any difference which are then converted into money-off vouchers.  Now there are two ways of looking at this - my granddaughter (the 9-year-old - see post of 25th November) said "if they're trying to match their prices with Aldi and Lidl why don't they just sell their stuff at Aldi and Lidl prices?"  And that's a very good question (told you she was smart) - when you think about it, they are effectively admitting that you could shop cheaper elsewhere - which you would think is the last thing a supermarket would want to say.  But the other side of the coin is that by giving you the difference in vouchers they are ensuring that in order to get your money back you have to continue to shop with them - you can't use the vouchers anywhere else.  I'm sure they must have done their research and done the maths and reckoned that the latter aspect outweighs the former, but it's a funny do, isn't it?

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