Saturday, December 06, 2014

Income twenty pounds, expenditure twenty pounds nought and six...

Yes Mr Micawber, it really is that simple - give out more than you're getting in and you're going to be in trouble.  I am constantly amazed that people can't see that. Following the Chancellor's Autumn Statement there have been the usual cries of "foul" from the Opposition and those who will be disadvantaged. Understandable, but what's the alternative?  And the answer is - tax rises.  Nobody wants to talk about it but that's the reality.  If we are to continue to hand out money at the present rate, then revenue will have to increase significantly to pay for it.  As I have said many times before, Government has no money of its own - what it has is what it gets from us.  So do you want to pay more in income tax, VAT, petrol duty and so on? I guess the answer is no, but if so you have to accept that government spending will have to be curtailed.  It's difficult and painful to take away from people that which they are used to getting but as Gran was wont to say, you can't have the penny and the bun!

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