Friday, October 10, 2014

The Great British Bore - I mean Bake Off

Thank God that's finished!  I mentioned before that I go round to my son's on a Wednesday evening, and they have been watching it for the past few weeks, so I have as well - mainly through gritted teeth.  I find the presenters infuriating - why have presenters anyway?  They add nothing to the programme - indeed I get the impression they feel like spare whotsits at a thingumy and are simply trying to justify their existence.  Then the judges - they may be, and presumably are, experts in their field but their expertise doesn't really show.  For the most part their remarks came across as banal and trivial.  "I don't think this sponge  works" for example - hardly adds to the sum of human knowledge.  And then the bloke who has swept all before him over the past few weeks mysteriously crumbles in the final - which I'm afraid just raises the question of whether it was all a fix.  You can just hear it, can't you - "Come on, you've had your moment of glory - quite a few of them actually - it's time to do the noble thing and think of the ratings". I have to say that my daughter-in-law and granddaughter were rooting for what-ever-her-name-was, although whether this was just the feminine vote going to the lone female up against two men or not, I don't know.  Anyway, when it comes back - as I fear it will - please schedulers, steer clear of Wednesdays!

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