Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Music Man

I've mentioned John Cage in passing before - he's a very, very avant-garde American composer who is best known for his piano piece 4'33" - I use the word "piano" because that's the way he described it, but in fact it involves the pianist sitting at the keyboard for four minutes and thirty-three seconds doing absolutely nothing. But if you think that's weird, consider another of his compositions Organ²/ASLSP.  It is indeed a piece for organ, and the ASLSP stands for As Slow As Possible.  Well because an organ note does not die away, but goes on for as long as the key is held down, there really is no limit on just how slow it can be played.  In what is known as the Halberstadt Performance an organ in a church there started playing the piece in 2001 and it is due to be finished in 2640!!

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