Monday, March 03, 2014

Not even fit for fish and chips?

What is it with the Daily Mail?  First they tried to get at Ed Milliband by accusing his (conveniently deceased) father of being "the man who hated Britain", and now they're after his deputy, Harriet Harman on the basis that decades ago she was a (very junior) officer of the National Council of Civil Liberties, and that that organisation was at the time affiliated with the Paedophile Information Exchange, which was lobbying for the age of consent to be lowered - maybe to 10.  The Mail is insisting that she "must apologise" - but what for?  Talk about guilt by association! The Mail have offered no evidence that she played any active part in the involvement between the two organisations, or indeed that - junior as she was - she even knew about it.  But it's very much a case of "don't let the facts get in the way of a good story" isn't it?  I've long given up on the Express as a serious purveyor of news, but I did expect something better of the Mail.  Doomed to be disappointed again, it seems.

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