Monday, March 10, 2014

Leave us alone!

I've said before that I am generally in favour of our being in the EU but just wish they would stop trying to micro-manage everything and leave individual countries to sort out the more trivial issues for themselves.  A case in point - most countries (including us) have regulations in force governing what you can grow where.  This is to ensure that there is some control over invasive species which might otherwise cause problems (Japanese knotweed being the most obvious example).  But now the EU is proposing a European-wide "hit list" of forbidden plants, with the power to enter private property (like your back garden) to search for and seize any such. Quite apart from the threat to your privacy, the problem with this is that Europe is a big area with very different climatic conditions, and a plant which is seen as a nuisance in the dry, arid areas of the Mediterranean for example will therefore be on the list, despite the fact that it would cause no problem in say Scotland or on the Baltic coast.  Like I say, this is the sort of thing best left to individual countries to regulate.

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