Sunday, May 12, 2013


Almost twelve months ago I posted about a man who had got into trouble for cleaning up a cemetery in Bristol - something you would think would meet with approval rather than censure, and now we have an even more astonishing case of a young man who has been tending his local war memorial for years and who decided that the plants - which he himself had planted - would benefit from continuous irrigation and to that end laid a pipe from an existing water supply.  So guess what? He has been accused of theft and criminal damage, has been interrogated at length by the police and the case has been referred to the CPS to consider prosecution.  To say the mind boggles is a gross understatement. Wasn't one of the Government's flagship ideas the "big society" which was all about ordinary people doing work for the common good - and isn't that what this lad was doing, and has been for several years?  I think some heads need banging together!

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