Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I know my rights!!

The story I referred to in April 2010 about a gay couple who were refused accommodation at a Mom and Pop bed and breakfast because the Mom and Pop were committed Christians and as such opposed to homosexuality, has come to the fore again as a result of the couple being awarded some £3,000 in damages under equality legislation.  Can't help but feel that this is not so much about discrimination, as about common sense and good manners.  There's a growing tendency for minority groups to thrust their "minority-ness" in other people's faces, and here we seem to have had two pairs of people doing just that.  If you were gay and you and your boyfriend went to visit a straight-laced maiden aunt, you wouldn't hold hands and snog in front of her.  If you were a committed Christian and went to visit someone you knew to be atheist or agnostic, you wouldn't insist on saying grace and singing hymns - this is just basic good manners.  I feel sure that with a bit of goodwill and give and take on both sides, this whole situation could have been avoided.

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