Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Strike hard, strike sure.

The construction of a memorial to Bomber Command in London has re-ignited the arguments about the justification for, or even the legality of our bombing campaign in W W II.  I was only a kid in those days, but I remember my Mum's annual toast-cum-prayer each New Year's Eve - "Please God,  by this time next year, let it be over".  I was fortunate in that my Dad was in a reserved occupation, so he wasn't called up, though he was out most nights on ARP duty - several of my pals weren't so fortunate, and lost fathers or brothers.  I remember when a jettisoned bomb landed near us and blew all our front windows out and my Mum screaming "Oh my God, they've got us!".  So don't talk to me of rights and wrongs - we did what we had to do to survive.  Just shut up and give thanks to all those young men who had one of the most dangerous jobs of any in the armed forces, and who went out night after night knowing that there was a very good chance they would not be coming back.  True bravery is being scared witless and still doing what is required of you, and these were as brave as it comes.  They deserve their memorial.

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