Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Get to the point?

Is anybody else getting fed up with the Leveson Inquiry?  It seems to be taking forever to prove the obvious, which is (a) that newspapers want to sell more newspapers, and to this end are quite prepared to do whatever is necessary - including bending or even breaking the law - to achieve that result, and (b) that politicians are anxious to have the press on their side, and to that end will "cosy up" to them.  Hardly earth-shattering revelations.  So do we need to shackle the press?  I would say definitely, no - a free press is an absolutely essential cornerstone of a democracy.  What we need to look at is what we do when - as is inevitable - the press go too far.  At present we have a Press Complaints Commission which has no real powers to force papers to put matters right, and the only alternative is for the "wronged" party to go to law, which is potentially so horrendously expensive that it is out of reach to any but the super-rich.  In any case, these are both "after the event" remedies.  By the time they are called into aid - if they ever are - the damage has been done.  It may be that Lord Justice Leveson is looking at this problem, but if so, he seems to be going an awfully long way round about it.

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