Sunday, February 26, 2012

Brrring, Brrring.

The Prime Minister has jumped on the bicycling band-wagon - if you get what I mean.  I haven't ridden a bike for over 40 years but as a driver I do have a point of view.  Cyclists are the only road users who don't have to pass a test, or indeed even have any sort of instruction.  One of the first things any driving instructor will tell you is that the secret of safe driving is to not put yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time.  And yet how often do you see cyclists coming up the inside of cars or lorries waiting at a junction - about as dangerous a place to be in as you could imagine.  And if there is an accident it is of course always the car or lorry driver who gets the blame - "they should have seen me" is the cyclist's cry. Whereas they need to be told that they should have used their brains and not put themselves there in the first place.  I don't want to go down the line of licences for cyclists, but I think basic cycling "nous" should be part of the school curriculum. Not that long ago I used to regularly see kids from the local primary school on their bikes wearing fluorescent jackets out for a cycling "lesson" - doesn't seem to happen any more, which I think is a backwards step.  Mind you, my experience is that it's usually the adult cyclists that do the stupidest things!

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