Friday, December 09, 2011

Sexist? - not really.

The BBC are being roundly condemned for the fact that the short list for the Sports Personality of the Year contains no women.  Bit unfair really, as the make-up of the short list was not compiled by the BBC, but by an independent panel of sports writers.  But why no women?  Well, I think in great part it is for the same reason that League 2 football matches do not get the same attendance figures as the Premiership - when it comes to sports, people want to see the best, and with the greatest respect to women, as most sports contain a significant physical element, women are always going to be outclassed by men.  I have mentioned before how surprising I find it that women do not feature more in non-physical competitions like snooker, darts, ten-pin bowling and the like but with the possible exception of gymnastics, when it comes to watching sport, I will choose a male competition over a female one just about every time.  This isn't anti-women, it's just pro-top class sport.

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