Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Free will - continued.

When I go my morning walk, there comes a point where I have a choice of three ways to get back home. Which one I take depends on various factors - principal among them is the weather and how well, or otherwise, my legs are behaving. But I do have that choice every morning - or at least I think I do. Of course it's possible that which way I go is the way I was always destined to go. But the point is that if I believe I am exercising freedom of choice and I have no reason to think otherwise, does it really matter whether I am or not? It's a bit like that business in "The Matrix" where Neo is given the choice of taking the blue pill or the red one - me, I'd take the blue one every time. Provided I'm content and comfortable with the life I've got - which I am - I'm not really interested in whether it's a sham or not. Of course this raises the question of whether there is such a thing as "the truth" and that's a big big question which perhaps we'll come back to later.

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