Thursday, May 06, 2010

X marks the spot

So - election day, and time perhaps for a few thoughts on what the media are assuring us has been the most exciting and energising campaign in recent memory. Well, I have to say I have not found it so - in fact for me it has been one of the most depressing elections I can remember. The interesting point is that the reason for the media's excitement and my depression is the same thing - the Prime Ministerial debates. Because for me, this is a prostitution of what elections should be about. When you put your cross on the form, you should be voting for the person you wish to be your MP, simple as that. Unfortunately for decades there has been a growing tendency to vote for a party rather than a person - you know the old joke that you could put up a stuffed monkey as a candidate, and provided it was wearing the right coloured rosette, there would be people who would vote for it. And now it seems we are being encouraged to vote purely on the basis of who we want to be Prime Minister - if ever there was a case of putting the cart before the horse...!

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