Sunday, January 31, 2010


I've been down this road before more than once, but I am unable to understand why inconsequential and peripheral matters are allowed to affect the assessment of a person's ability to do a job. This time it's John Terry and the captaincy of the England football team. The publication of allegations of marital misconduct is said to be putting his captaincy at risk. Why? Surely if he's the right man for the job in footballing terms, he's the right man for the job and his behaviour in his private life is immaterial. Why should the fact that you're captain of England carry with it any expectation that you are of impeccable character - and let's face it, even before the current shenanigans his reputation was hardly snow-white. Surely all that is required is that you are a good footballer, a good communicator, a good motivator, and a leader of men.

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