Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas trivia

We made a big thing out of New Tear's Eve 1999 didn't we? Start of the new millennium and all that. Except that strictly it wasn't, because there was no year 0, so the first 1000 years weren't completed until midnight on the 31st December 1000, and equally the second millennium didn't start until 1st January 2001. This is all the fault of a monk called Dionysius who was given the job in the 6th century of determining the year in which Jesus was born. Nobody knows just how he came up with the answer he did but he set this year as 1AD, and the year immediately before as 1BC - so there you are - no year 0. Actually it is now pretty well agreed that he got it wrong anyway, and that Jesus was most likely born in 6 or 7BC.

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