Saturday, December 27, 2008

Is it the singer or the song?

Some of you have been kind enough to say nice things about this blog, and for that I thank you. But you know little or nothing about me as a person, so your comments refer solely to what I say, not who or what I am. And that is how it should be, but so often is not. Look at all the fuss about Channel 4's alternative Christmas message, simply because it was delivered by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, who apparently we are not supposed to like. But ignore who he is, and look at what he said (which you can find on Channel 4's website, among other places). What is there to take exception to? It is a gracious message fully in keeping with the Christmas festival. Wise words do not become any less wise simply because we dislike the mouth they come from.

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