Friday, October 26, 2007

Yellow peril.

You can argue 'til you're blue in the face about whether or not children should be taken to, and fetched from school in cars, but the bald fact is that many of them are, and it is a disgrace that schools simply stick their heads in the sand, and make no attempt to provide for the fact. There's a primary school just up the road from where I live, and from about 8.30 to 9.00 in the morning, and again around 3.30 in the afternoon the road outside and for a good few hundred yards either side is clogged with cars dropping children off or picking them up. So what have the powers that be done? - they've gone and painted yellow lines all along where the cars usually stop! Just what are parents supposed to do? Fold their cars up and stick them in their pockets? The result of course is that the problem has simply moved further down the road - and doubtless in due course we shall have yellow lines there as well. The alternative would have been to require the school to make some provision for a drop-off and pick-up area (could be done), but heaven forbid that the school should be put to any trouble or expense - after all, we all know that pupils and their parents are just a necessary evil as far as schools are concerned!

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