Thursday, October 18, 2007

Get the picture?

So the switch-over to digital TV is now underway. I have Sky which is connected to the two other sets in the kitchen and the bedroom, so I'm ready whenever, but I do feel for those for whom this has come as a nasty and somewhat expensive shock. The powers that be are trying to tell us that it is no different from previous technological advances, like the change from 405 to 625 lines, or the advent of colour - but there's one important distinction. You didn't have to go with those changes if you didn't want to. You could still watch on 405 lines if you chose, or in black and white after colour came in. The big difference this time is that there is no backwards-compatibility. It will be digital or nothing. Given that this means upgrading every set you've got - and possibly your aerial as well - this may be a significant expense. There was talk of financial assistance for the elderly and those on benefit, but I haven't heard anything about that recently. Seems everybody has been left to sort themselves out.

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