Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ganging up.

Lot of talk these days about "gang culture" which is being blamed for much of the nastiness which is going on. And yet, gangs have always been a feature of childhood life - particularly as regards boys. Think of the books we read as children - Just William, Swallows and Amazons, The Famous Five, and even more up-to-date, Harry Potter. All based on children banding together in gangs. So I can't see that gangs, per se, are the problem. I think it goes much deeper than that, and has more to do with the modern perception (which doesn't just apply to children) that all that matters is me and what I want (and by extension, my gang and what it wants), and nobody else's views or wishes or even right to exist, count for anything. I haven't got an answer to that, but I think to blame it all on gang culture misses the point.

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