Saturday, January 20, 2007

Seen through rose-tinted spectacles?

I was no fan of Muhammad Ali when he was in his pomp. As far as I was concerned he embodied everything I disliked about Americans - he was brash, arrogant and loud-mouthed. It is sad to see him today struck down by Parkinson's, but I find this attempt to re-write history and portray him as always at heart being some sort of loveable cuddly teddy-bear both ridiculous and distasteful. It is possible, with the benefit of hindsight, to see reasons why he was what he was, but while that may explain his behaviour, and for some even excuse it, it doesn't alter it. He was clearly a great fighter - his record speaks for itself - but it doesn't alter the fact that, for me, he was a rather unpleasant character.

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