Sunday, January 21, 2007


If you've ever read "1984" you'll be familiar with the concept of words meaning the opposite of what they say (war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength etc.). Progress is a good example - we are forever having changes forced on us which we are assured are "progress" when in fact they are quite the reverse. In my youth, the doctor lived locally and knew all about you and your family. If you were taken ill in the night or at the weekend, you would ring him up and he would come straight out to see you - maybe still in his pyjamas. If you went to his surgery, you just went in and sat down and knew that you might have to wait a while but you would be seen - he wouldn't finish until his waiting room was clear. And today? If I want to see my GP I have to make an appointment, and chances are the first available one will be in a couple of days time at the earliest. And it's no longer a doctor but a "medical centre", so when I get there I may find my appointment is with a doctor that I've never seen before, and who knows nothing about me other than what's in my notes. And in the night and at weekends? Well, all I can say is try not to fall ill in the night or at weekends because heaven only knows how long you will have to wait, or who you will see. And all this is progress apparently.

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