Friday, January 26, 2007

Goody baddy?

After what I said about Muhammad Ali the other day, it may seem two-faced of me to now come in on the side of another brash, arrogant loud-mouth - Jade Goody. I think the difference is, she can't help what she is, whereas Ali was a highly intelligent young man who took on the persona he did from choice. Yes, I feel somewhat sorry for Jade, and feel she has rather been thrown to the wolves by Channel 4. They introduced her to the Celebrity Big Brother house knowing what sort of person she was and clearly with the intention of stirring things up, and when she stirred them up in a manner which didn't suit, they dumped her. And some of the behaviour towards her since she was evicted is at least as bad, if not worse, than her own. I wonder if the people involved see the irony of showing their opposition to intolerance by being intolerant? Work it out if you can.

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