Thursday, January 25, 2007

B.O.G.O.F. or bog off?

Tesco are coming in for some stick, aren't they? Personally I rarely shop there, but the criticisms are more directed at supermarkets generally, rather than Tesco specifically, and I am a great devotee of supermarkets. For me, they provide a quick, convenient, easy and cheap way of shopping. So should I be concerned at the thought that they are putting small shops out of business, or squeezing suppliers? Well, frankly, no. Shops exist for the benefit of customers, not the other way round. It's sad when a shop has to close because it can't compete, but that is and forever has been the nature of the shopkeeping business - supermarkets have simply highlighted what has always been the reality. As for suppliers, it stands to reason that if the supermarkets force the price down to a point where suppliers can't make a profit, they will go out of business and then there will be no supply, so it's obviously in everybody's interest for that not to happen. Market forces rule, and rightly so.

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