Friday, January 20, 2006

Time to get real?

News in the papers today that the NHS is so short of funds that wards are having to be closed, staff laid off, and building projects cancelled. And all this despite record levels of investment in it. The Government seem to be taken by surprise, and yet they must realise, as any thinking person realises, that the NHS is a black hole. However much money you throw at it, they will always be able to say "We could do more if we had more money". Until we face up to the fact that no amount of money can "buy" the perfect NHS, we cannot begin to solve the problem of health-care. For myself, I cannot see anything other than the NHS eventually becoming a sort of super Accident and Emergency set-up, with other treatment being handled through private insurance. The ideological arguments against such an idea will I feel eventually crumble in the face of ever rising costs.

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