Friday, April 19, 2019

Freedom of speech?

You may remember that, some ten years ago, I posted about a street preacher - I think it was in Wolverhampton - who was arrested for telling his audience that the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin.  And the point of that post was that he was simply telling the truth - that's what the Bible says.  And now we have an Australian rugby player who has been disciplined for saying much the same thing on a social media site, and an English rugby player who has been censured for simply "liking" the Australian's post.  So, what's the problem?  Both the Australian and English rugby authorities consider that what these players have done brings the game into disrepute, and therefore they are within their rights in disciplining them.  But as far as I can see, neither person did what they did as rugby players, but simply as devout Christians (who happened to be rugby players) with an unquestioning belief in the Bible as the word of God.  And therein lies the problem - the Bible says.  I for one do not accept the Bible - particularly the New Testament - as the word of God.  It is very much the work of men who wished to promote a particular narrative, for whatever reason, and carefully chose what they would include and what they would exclude.  But that's me - I have no problem with those who see it differently.  So should these rugby players have been disciplined?  Difficult, but on balance I think not.

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