Thursday, November 29, 2018

Epipen, quick!!

Allergies in the news again, after a BBC survey found that High Street food and drink outlets were giving out misleading or incomplete information on what potential allergens their products contained.  Can't help feeling that this is rather like shooting the pianist because you don't like the tune.  If I had a potentially life-threatening allergy, I would be extremely wary of eating or drinking anything which I had not prepared myself.  I would certainly not rely on what I was told, or what I read about the ingredients in something which had been prepared by somebody else somewhere else.  In other words, I would consider it my responsibility to ensure I did not ingest anything which could harm me.  And if that meant that I could never go out for a meal -  so be it.  That would be my cross to bear.  To throw the responsibility on others in my view is wrong.  It's my problem - it's down to me to deal with it.  I think the BBC have got the wrong end of the stick.

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