Wednesday, August 22, 2018

What a jerk??

Jamie Oliver - British TV chef - has been accused of "cultural appropriation" for marketing something called Punchy Jerk Rice.  To the extent that I understand it, the charge is one of using (or rather misusing) a term associated with a particular culture to which you don't belong for commercial purposes.  Jerk, according to my dictionary, is a marinade used in Caribbean cooking, and the argument is that this rice dish of Jamie Oliver's does not contain the appropriate ingredients, and in any event, to quote many who have complained on social media, the only things you can jerk are chicken and pork, and  "there is no such thing as jerk rice".  Given the heat this has generated (no pun intended) the words "storm" and "teacup" spring to mind, but I leave it to you to decide.

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