Tuesday, July 17, 2018

1 and 1 is 10....

You remember the millennium bug?  The idea that on 1st January 2000 computers would go haywire as they tried to process the new date.  Came to nothing although to what  extent that was down to the fact that we were prepared for it will never be known.  Well, something similar may be about to happen in 2038.  A lot of computers don't store the date in conventional form, but as a number representing the number of seconds that have passed since 1.1.70.  This number is stored in a file of finite size, and at just after 3 o'clock in the morning of 19th January 2038 this file will be full.  And what happens then is that the computer will reset the date to 13th December 1901, and any program that relies on dates will be useless.  Well, we've got the best part of 20 years to come up with a fix, so I hope someone is on the case! 

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