Sunday, June 03, 2018

Er...where's the brake?

The other day I went a drive in the car - happens less and less frequently these days.  But the point I want to make is that I went somewhere I have never been to before along a route which, to the best of my recollection, I have never travelled before.  So, did I need any special preparation for this?  No, of course not.  Why am I going on like this?  Well, one of the factors which is being blamed for the chaos over the new rail timetables being introduced is that the drivers have not been trained on the new routes they will have to travel.  But why do they need training?  You get in, switch on, and then go where the tracks take you.  You obey the signals and any speed advisories, but other than that, why do you need training?  Is this just an excuse?

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