Saturday, June 30, 2018

Pound of flesh?

So David Duckenfield, who was "in charge" at Hillsborough in 1989 when 95 people were killed by crushing at a football match, is to be charged with manslaughter by gross negligence in respect of their deaths.  Crazy!!

Friday, June 29, 2018

Stranger than fiction

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was of course the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, but what is perhaps less well known is that he took an interest in intervening in real life cases using Holmes's methods to show that a miscarriage of justice had taken place.  Perhaps the best known of these (because a book was written about it) was the case of Oscar Slater, who had spent 16 years in prison for a murder he did not commit, but round our way he is best known for intervening in the case of George Edalji. This was in the late 1800s when just having a name like Edalji was enough to arouse suspicions that you must be a "wrong 'un", so when a series of local horse maimings took place, Edalji quickly became prime suspect. and he was tried and convicted.  Enter Conan Doyle who soon established that Edalji could not have committed the offences and he was subsequently pardoned.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

At last?

When the Civil Partnership Act was passed in 2004 it brought about the ridiculous situation whereby same sex couples could enter into such legal partnerships,but heterosexual couples could not - for them it was marriage or nothing.  It was accepted from day one that this was a nonsense, but it has taken a 14 year journey through the courts to put things right - and even now, the Government can if they wish ignore the Supreme Court's ruling that the 2004 Act was incompatible with human rights laws and simply leave things as they are.  But let's hope that common sense at last prevails, eh?

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

This carrot looks just like a...

Morrisons - which I'm sure regular readers of this blog will know - is my supermarket of choice, seem to have hit the jackpot with their "wonky"  fruit and veg.  These are undersize or misshapen examples which they sell in special packs at a reduced price. Originally designed to cut down on waste - this is stuff which traditionally would have been thrown away- it's selling well  and now accounts for some 12% of all fruit and veg sold.  I hope whoever thought up the idea has got his or her just rewards.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Get out!?!

It seems that gender division is still alive and well despite the best efforts of feminists - and ironically it is women who are causing the problem.  Organisations which cater for women only are being allowed to exclude men who identify as female, whereas men-only organisations will not be allowed to exclude women who identify as male.  Got that??

Monday, June 25, 2018

World Cup

So, we've won our second match, and handsomely.  Were we that good, or were Panama that bad?  I think the main plus for me was that, for the first time in a long time, we seemed to have a plan - we seemed to know what we were trying to do, rather than aimlessly passing the ball around and hoping that something would happen.  So my expectation has gone up a notch, but there's still a long way to go, and some good teams still out there.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Tick, tock

On which arm do you wear your wristwatch?  Chances are that it's the left - but why?  I've been thinking about this, and I reckon it goes back to the days before battery-operated watches, when you had to wind them up.  Worn on the left wrist, the winder would be readily available, whereas on the right wrist it would be on the "wrong" side and winding would be awkward.  

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Gorra spare pencil?

It seems some schools are asking parents to pay for pens, pencils and such, and this is seen as proof that the education system is under-funded.  Well maybe, maybe not, but I remember when I went to "big school" we were all supposed to turn up with a geometry set (compass, protractor and such), a ruler. a set of pencils of varying hardness, and a fountain pen.  The general rule, as I remember it, was that the school were responsible for providing books - text books and exercise books  - but the pupil was responsible for providing any other necessary equipment.  I seem to remember that this was accepted as the norm back then without comment.  So what's changed?

Friday, June 22, 2018

Dead parrot?

Apparently, if Monty Python were put forward to the BBC for consideration as a show today it wouldn't stand a chance.  Not because it isn't funny - which it still is, despite some of the humour being a bit dated - but simply because the BBC today would not be interested in a show involving "six Oxbridge white blokes".  Not quite sure how I feel about that.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Concentrate on what's important.

Cannabis oil again - see last Monday.  Let's be clear - the waters are being muddied by those who are arguing for the decriminalising of cannabis generally.  But this isn't (or shouldn't be) the question.  We are talking about the plant, or its derivatives, being used as medicine.  The question is simple - should doctors be free to prescribe these things if appropriate?  This is quite distinct from the question of whether cannabis should be publicly available.  Let's keep our eye on the ball here.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

World Cup

Well - are you getting excited?  We've won our first game!  The way some people are behaving you would think the Cup is as good as ours.  Reality folks.  Am I the only one who thought that, apart from the first 20 minutes or so, we looked very ordinary.  Not as bad as in some previous competitions, but nothing to make me think other than, once again, the best we can hope for is quarter-finals.  Hope I'm proved wrong but...

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

What's in a name?

When I first heard that England would be playing their opening match of the World Cup in Volgograd, it meant nothing to me - nor I imagine, to most of you.  But when I learned hat Volgograd used to be Stalingrad... Oh boy, did that resonate!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Prime directive?

Can't understand all this argument about cannabis oil.  You have a very sick child, and you have something which will, if not cure him, at least alleviate his symptoms.  So you use it - how could you not?  It's illegal in this country - so what?  Help the child - deal with the question of illegality in due course but first and foremost HELP THE CHILD.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Nice one!

Best Father's Day card -
"Dad, just think - without me, today would be just --- Sunday!" 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Ha ha

"During the Second World War, my grandfather single-handedly killed 30 German pilots.
He was the crappiest mechanic the Luftwaffe ever had".

Friday, June 15, 2018


The town of Chepstow has erected a banner proudly proclaiming itself as "Plastic Free Chepstow".  Problem?  The banner is made of plastic! 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Is this a dagger...?

...well, Macbeth asked the question, and the answer depends on how many cutting edges it has.  If one, it is a knife.  If two, it is a dagger.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Te absolvo...

The President of the United States can ex officio grant pardons.  This is something which traditionally, outgoing Presidents do - if at all -  as a final act of their presidency.  But of course, Trump is not your standard President.  He has talked about pardoning Mohammed Ali, despite their being no offence for which to pardon him.  Even more bizarrely, he is considering pardoning himself - even though, as he himself says - he has done nothing wrong. Funny old world these days, isn't it?

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Bugs Bunny beware!

Apparently carrots and lettuce are bad for rabbits!  Who'd have thought?

Monday, June 11, 2018


Maria Bueno - one of the classiest players to have ever graced a tennis court. I always rooted for her.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Many happy returns, returns...

Why does the Queen have two birthdays?  Actually, it's more the Monarch rather than the current Queen.  The idea goes back to George II, whose birthday was in November.  It was felt that his birthday should be a time for public celebration, and as November can be cold and wet, he instigated an "official" birthday in June.  It's not a fixed date - it takes place on the second Saturday in the month.

Saturday, June 09, 2018

Mother's ruin

Did you know it's World Gin Day?  What used to be "Auntie's drink" has developed over the years into a range of highly sophisticated botanical flavoured drinks appealing to the younger palate.  Expensive, mind you, but I'm sure my granddaughter will be out there celebrating.

Friday, June 08, 2018

But I've got a hole in my sock.

Do you feel different with your shoes off?  Calmer?  More intelligent?  I ask because a school in London has introduced a policy of everyone - pupils and teachers - taking off their shoes while on the school premises. The idea apparently comes from Finland where there is evidence that this produces better grades and better behaviour.  On the other hand, as one parent put it, not everybody is happy in "a smelly feet environment".

Thursday, June 07, 2018

Just don't mention penalties!

With just a few days to go, is it time to start talking about the World Cup, and England's chances?  The bookies make us 18/1 to win, but the general feeling is that the true odds are nearer 25/1.  Brazil are favourites, with Germany or Spain most likely to be the other finalists.  Some Australian academics have come up with a mathematical model  which suggests we are likely to survive the group stage, but will then probably come to grief in the round of 16.  Keep your money in your pocket is my advice, at least until we have had a good look at the runners and riders.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Then and now.

It now seems that the Liverpool goalkeeper in the recent Champions League Cup Final may have been suffering from concussion and that this might explain a couple of errors he made which contributed to their defeat.  Not to belittle him, but anybody remember when Bert Trautmann, Manchester City's goalie played the last quarter of an hour or so of the F A Cup Final in 1956 with a broken neck?  This was before substitutes were allowed, and Trautmann played on in agony rather than have his side reduced to ten men.

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Hopelessly devoted.

Have you heard about the theory surrounding the film "Grease"?  It goes like this - Danny and Sandy did indeed meet on the beach during the holiday before the film starts, but Sandy drowned.  Her body was taken to hospital and kept artificially alive and the film is her dream during this time.  Those who subscribe to this theory point to the end of the film when Danny and Sandy drive off in a car which takes to the skies - where else but on its way to heaven?

Monday, June 04, 2018

Are you with us, or not?

Just what do the DUP want?  They are the Northern Ireland party who are propping up the Tories, but seem to be undecided as to precisely what their stance should be.  On the one hand, they are adamant that they are part of the United Kingdom and as far as Brexit is concerned, for example. they must be treated exactly the same as England, Scotland and Wales.  But when it comes to the question of abortion, where they are completely out of step with the rest of the UK, they demand that they should be allowed to go their own way.  So they want to have their cake and eat it too?

Sunday, June 03, 2018

Er...where's the brake?

The other day I went a drive in the car - happens less and less frequently these days.  But the point I want to make is that I went somewhere I have never been to before along a route which, to the best of my recollection, I have never travelled before.  So, did I need any special preparation for this?  No, of course not.  Why am I going on like this?  Well, one of the factors which is being blamed for the chaos over the new rail timetables being introduced is that the drivers have not been trained on the new routes they will have to travel.  But why do they need training?  You get in, switch on, and then go where the tracks take you.  You obey the signals and any speed advisories, but other than that, why do you need training?  Is this just an excuse?

Saturday, June 02, 2018

Diddums den?

An actor in one of the soaps is suing Thomas Cook in respect of a holiday he and his family had with them which did not live up to expectations.  Specifically?  He had to queue for breakfast and needed to get up early to make sure he got a sunbed at the poolside.  Sounds like a normal package holiday to me.  There are always those who will find something to complain about, and it seems he is one such.  The fact that he is (apparently) a well-known actor may make his grouses more newsworthy - doesn't make them any the more valid.

Friday, June 01, 2018

Pass the sauce

What do you have on your chips?  Well, salt and vinegar, but I'm thinking more of sauce.  Tomato sauce for me, but I remember when I was in the forces stationed near the Dutch border, and we used to nip over every now and again, we were introduced to the idea of having mayonnaise on our chips, as the locals did.  It seems once again that there's a bit of a north/south divide in this country, with the north favouring barbecue flavourings and the south hot and spicy, like piri-piri and harissa.  For me, I think a lot depends on what I am having my chips with, but you can't go wrong with tomato ketchup.