Wednesday, March 28, 2018

New balls, please.

What do you make of this ball-tampering business?  Hasn't it been going on forever?  It seems to me that Australia have simply fallen foul of the eleventh commandment - thou shalt not get caught.  What do we do about it?  Problem is, as has been mentioned many times before, that cricket has this reputation of being played by gentlemen in a spirit of fair play.  And if it was ever thus, it certainly isn't today.  So I think we have to bring the umpires more into the game, and give them much more power.  We could, for example, change the rules so that after each ball bowled, the ball is immediately returned to the umpire, who looks after it until the bowler is ready to start his run-up, at which time the umpire throws it to him.  So no polishing, scuffing or whatever.  Or maybe come up with a new type of ball which is more tamper-proof.  Or - on the basis that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em - just accept that manipulating the ball is all part of the game, and anything goes.

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