Thursday, November 02, 2017


So, how did it work?  The Great British Bake Off moving from BBC to Channel 4 and replacing 75% of its presenters?  Well, pretty well really.  I've never been a huge fan, but have grown used to it over the years, and because they maintained the basic structure and only the faces changed, the transition was much smoother than I expected.  But just one quibble - and it's a big one.  Maybe because of the commercial breaks, it now runs for 1 hour and 15 minutes, which means it doesn't finish until 9.15.  And that really throws my evening viewing, because most channels schedule their stuff on the hour, which means I either have to cut Bake Off short, or miss the beginning of whatever programme I want to watch next.  Please Channel 4 - I would much rather you scheduled it for 7.45 to 9.00 - there's usually a fair bit of faff at the beginning which I could easily skip.  Just a thought?

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