Saturday, September 30, 2017

Cheque's in the post??

Find it difficult to understand this Universal Credit business.  It seems that, of you are put on Universal Credit, this immediately stops any benefits you might already be getting, but it will then be six weeks before you get your first Universal Credit payment,  What are you supposed to do in the interim?  And therein lies the problem - it seems the Department of Work and Pensions have no plans for this - or, even worse, don't seem to think this is in any way their problem.   So you either have to use your savings - if you have any - or go into debt if you haven't.  And that to me make no sense.  I've not seen any pronouncement from the DWP about this other than that they are satisfied that "the vast majority of claimants...are comfortably managing their money".  Sounds more like a hope than a statement of fact to me, and in any case, what about the minority who aren't?

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