Monday, August 07, 2017

Go away - I live here.

I remember many years ago going on holiday for a week down in Cornwall - can't remember just where but it was a beautiful little village on the coast, and I was having a drink in a nearby pub and commenting to the locals on what a lovely place it was, "Yes" said one "it's a lovely place all right from October to April, except for the weather, but from May to September it's a pain - full of tourists, nowhere to park, roads all clogged up - you can keep it".  And that was my first intimation that actually living in the sort of place we all like going on holiday to may have its downside.  I mention this because apparently tourists in the Mediterranean - particularly Barcelona and Mallorca - are being harassed by the locals, telling them that they are not welcome.  Of course tourists bring in the money, so it's that old problem of not being able to have the penny and the bun.

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