Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Giz a drag.

A photo of David Cameron with a cigarette between his fingers has re-ignited a discussion about the "evils" of smoking.  I've mentioned before that I used to smoke - pretty well everybody did back then - but I gave it up about 50 years ago.  Not that it was a matter of health - it was a matter of money.  Perhaps because of this, I've always had a soft spot for smokers.  When I worked, we had to have a designated room for smokers, and the designated room was my office!  I've never had time for the "I don't like it, therefore you shouldn't be allowed to do it" school of thought.  If you choose to smoke, knowing the risks, then as I see it, it's up to you. I've mentioned before that in my view the "second-hand smoke" argument is tenuous at best. So if Dave wants a crafty fag, I'm not going to criticise.

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